journal 4
Saturday, March 21, 2009

Journal #4

Done by: Koh Wan Xin 2E2

I am very surprised that that records dating back over 2000 year show study of mangroves. I learnt that the majority of the early study focuses on the use of these extraordinary trees and shrubs. Associated species of wildlife that inhabit these productive communities also have Observations by early explorers and settlers. This is new to me as I have not thought that the people back then would had bothered making records. From the earlier passages I have read, I learnt that the bark of the mangrove is used as a source of tannins and dyes and many other parts of the mangroves have been used for many things. But, I did not know the wood produced was durable and water resistant hence, used in houses, boats, pilings, fence posts and furniture.

I found this article to be also very descriptive. From the other articles I learnt that mangroves were very useful for making many items however, this articles gave me more information such as the Leaves are used as source of tea, medicine, and livestock feed or dried and smoked as a substitute for tobacco. I have learnt about the three species of mangroves dominate the marine influenced wetland areas Red Mangrove; Black Mangrove ; White Mangrove and that The term mangrove does not refer to a specific taxonomic group of species it just mean all are halophytic from the previous passages. I learnt from this passage that Mangroves dominate 75% of the tropical coastlines between latitudes 25 degrees N -25 degrees S or higher latitudes bathed by equatorial originating water masses. I also found out that mangroves are tropical species which do not develop well where the average temperature is less than 660 F (l90 C). I changed my mind about that fact that I thought mangroves always have about the same structural complexity, but as a result of this passage I now know the impact of low temperatures on mangroves results in decreases in structural complexity of the community. As Florida’s mangrove communities show decreased tree height and increased tree density compared to mangrove communities of areas with more favourable temperature.

I knew that mangroves stabilize sediments but learnt that Black mangroves may be the best land stabilizer due to easier seedling transport. Red mangroves are second best and whites are the worst. I also did not know mangrove communities vary widely due to inadequate groundtruthing and I was not aware that roots are extremely susceptible to clogging well as prolonged flooding and damage due to organisms. I found it saddening that human impact of these communities is worst than the natural destruction. Humans do lot of harm to the environment, I hope preservation will help save these communities.

(453 words)

owned by wanxin 2E2:)


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